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Life's Too Short for Ugly Dish Towels

A friend recently shared the following words of wisdom, "Life's too short for ugly dish towels". She's right. I'm a bit of a dish towel snob myself, shelling out what many would deem too much money for a piece of pretty fabric to drape over the oven handle.

Seven years ago (has it really been that long?) I took a class at Home Ec. Workshop. Actually I took many classes. This one, in particular, was on making your own silk screen and how to use it. In that class I made my (now famous) owl screen. I have used it countless times over the years to create screens in clothing, throw pillows, and, you guess it, dish towels. I especially love screening tea towels.

Tea towels are your everyday drying towels, you may remember your grandmother or great grandmother using them to dry her dishes. When I speak of a dishtowel, I'm not talking about the lightweight terry cloth variety found in big box stores. A tea towel can be the most delicate tea towel fabric all the way to a heavy cotton. These offer a lint free drying experience never found in looped toweling.

Your dishtowel should be full of practicality, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't also be beautiful.  With that said, I used my (practically vintage!) owl silk screen to decorate these lovelies.  And you should fully expect to see this screen again and again in the coming months and years, not only on tea towels, but on throw pillows, onesies, and much more.  The possibilities are endless, much like the choice of dish towels to grace your kitchen.


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