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Showing posts from March 16, 2015

Anxiety & Depression: How Can Essential Oils Help?

This week, our world laid to rest the most beautiful of souls.  She touched so many lives, but silently suffered with her own fears, worries, and suicidal thoughts.  If you have thoughts of ending your life, I encourage you to seek help immediately.  Asking for help, although once thought to be a sign of weakness, is actually the bravest and most courageous thing you can do for yourself.  If you don't want to reach out to people closest to you, I urge you to call the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-723-TALK (8255).  If someone you know talks about wanting to die, seek help for this individual.  Do not brush them off, or tell them to "not think that way" because they are likely to not ask you for help again.  Coming to you for help took every ounce of courage they could muster. With all this in mind, there are things you can do for yourself, or your loved one, that may help ease their anxiety and/or depression.  Essential oils have numerous be...