www.caughtredthreaded.com A plate of warm sugar cookies! Baby, it's cold outside! It's so cold that my car won't start, which means I won't make my favorite pilates class . This is the kids first day back at school after a derailed holiday break. We were scheduled to travel the midwest, visiting Grandparents. Instead, fevers kept us at home. This was the first winter break that we have not been with family. We were home relaxing, watching movies, playing board and card games, and I did a lot of sewing (none of which you'll find on Caught Red Threaded ... and I can't even post photos because it's all a baby gift for my future niece/nephew). Back to the car not starting. It's been a windchill of -30 or colder for the last 10 days. About 6 days ago I had to keep my car out of the garage until further notice because it's so cold outside the garage door won't open without a great deal of human assistance. I wish Click and Clac...