Let me begin by saying that although this is a recipe for Milky Way Cake, I took a baker's liberty and used Snickers instead. My 11 year old suggested Three Muskateers as another substitute candy bar. Whatever the candy bar, this cake will be a big hit for all who have the pleasure of trying it. With enough frosting, anything can look good. When I made this cake, without knowing I had made a terrible error (I'll explain later), the cake over rose in the oven, and lacked overall structure. Although a seemingly fatal flaw, it received nothing but praise from many taste testers (a group of teens and tweens are great for trying such a tasty, sugary treat). When the cake went in the oven, all was well. The batter was smooth and creamy. It seemed as if it would be the perfect cake. It wasn't until I was typing up the recipe that I realized my mistake. Yesterday when I served the cake, and the structure of the crumb just wasn't the...