Let's get one thing straight. Whether you are the type of person who attracts mosquitos or not, when you do experience a mosquito bite, your body's natural histamine response causes itching at the site. By itching, I don't just mean a simple itch relieved by a momentary scratching. I'm talking about wooden back-scratcher level of itchiness. And I hate to break it to you if you didn't already know, but scratching only makes it worse. Plus, from a hygienic perspective, it can be very unsanitary to scratch. Bacteria live on our skin. Think of yourself as the "host with the most". Bacteria are also opportunistic. If there's an open wound, say a freshly scratched to high hell mosquito bite, bacteria will set up a breeding program on the spot. Now, I know you're a smart person. You don't want a skin infection. You didn't even ask for the mosquito bite in the first place; you were just mowing the lawn, enjoying your kid's baseball gam...