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Caught Red Threaded: Consulting 101

I'm not very good at making time for myself. Even now, as I start typing this post, I'm waiting outside for my youngest to finish school so we can schlep across town to her voice lesson. What I lack in self care, I more than make up for in my ability to "get it done" when it comes to the crafting side of Caught Red Threaded, working part time for a law firm, volunteering numerous hours each week for a handful of organizations, AND acting as a consultant for small businesses.  It's atypical for me to have a manicure.  My massage therapist has serious knots to work through in my shoulders as I carry the weight of many businesses all at once.  This isn't about me (it almost never is).

As a consultant, I offer a variety of business services.  Most of my business is word of mouth.  The highest compliment a current or former client can pay me is to share my information with another business who is in need of assistance.  From tweaking current systems to implementing new ones, the goal is to streamline production, while not necessarily working more.  "Work smarter, not harder."  If your website isn't meeting your business/client needs, I'll let you know up front (I do my homework). I look at spending patterns within your practice and recommend money saving strategies.  Of course, I'm not going to give too much away here, because I want you to get in touch with me when a) you're ready, and b) your business needs me.

Although I enjoy consistency as much as the next person, I don't want you to have to count on me being a part of your business, or payroll for very long.  My goal is to give you the tools you need, and work myself out of a job.  Your business walks away a satisfied customer, you recommend me to the next person or business, and the cycle begins again.  On occasion, a client wants me to stay on as a business consultant, checking in a few times each quarter.

Most of my clients have been small businesses, primarily in the health and wellness field, with one provider and limited team members.  When it comes to attracting new clients, there's a common trend.  You have to have a user friendly website (including mobile friendly).  Your business needs to be accessible to the clientele anytime/where.  Notice I said your business, and not you.  There's a big distinction to make there.  At 11pm, if I have a question for my massage therapist, I'm going to send her an email (I never call anyone after 8pm).  Your contact information, or call to action, needs to be just as visible on your marketing as your company's name.  And if you're answering your work phone outside of business hours, it's time to set boundaries.  Burnout is a very real danger to your company, to your health, and to your existing clients.

One of the current trends with today's client culture, is the convenience of online scheduling.  I've put together a great list of options, including price points (basic services range from Free-$50+).  If a client schedules online, that frees you up to practice dentistry, coaching, hair design, etc.  If they find your forms online, print them out, and bring them to their first appointment, you've saved your business time and money, as well as saving the client time in your reception.  The more accessible you are online, the greater success you'll have in attracting new business.  This includes online marketing.

I did say I wasn't going to give too much away.  Yet here I have blabbed away.  If you recognize your practice could use some assistance, please do not hesitate to get in touch.  I'm here for you and your business for the duration of need.  Since nothing in life is really free, I charge an hourly rate for my services.  If you have a specific amount budgeted weekly or monthly, I'll be sure to stay within those guidelines.  My goal is not to bankrupt you, but rather for you and your business to flourish.

Don't forget to follow Caught Red Threaded on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Etsy.


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