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Renew Body Polish

Making your own body polish can be as simple as collecting ingredients from around your house, or as complicated as ordering specialty items.  The level in which you take this craft is up to you.  In this post, you will learn how to make a body polish, and I will share with you my coveted Renew Body Polish blend.  The intention of body polish is to leave your skin both exfoliated and hydrated.  Once made, it can be stored next to any sink in the house.  Some prefer to make an extra jar to keep in the shower (perfect for smooth legs, to use during a pedicure, and much more- use a finer salt and this is also great as a facial scrub).

Let's get started!  Gather the following supplies:
  • 8 ounce- Clean and dry mason jar(s) or other storage vessel(s)
  • 1 Cup Epsom Salt
  • 1/4 Cup Grapeseed Oil (or other carrier oil)
  • Essential Oils:
    • 5 drops Lavender
    • 5 drops Grapefruit
    • 2 drops Ylang Ylang
    • 1 drop Rosemary 

Combine all ingredients, mixing well.  The salt should be completely saturated with oil.  If too dry, add more Grapeseed Oil.  Fill your jar.  Be sure to let the recipient know (or remind yourself if you are making this for personal use) that the instructions for use are: Rub, Rinse, Pat Dry.

To create labels, I prefer to use Avery.  They have a great design-and-print-at-home option.  You can print on their peel and stick labels, or on cardstock.  When I print on cardstock, I use a round paper punch that closely matches the lid on my jar.  Once the label is punched, there are two options: glue in place, or adhere with double-sided tape.  If you don't want to label the jar directly, you can always create a label that is attached using kitchen twine, string, or ribbon.

Of course, there are other great blends out there.  Here are a few to choose from:

You can also play around with any essential oils you have in your stash and find the combination that best matches your personality, needs, or otherwise.  Many essential oil companies offer recipe blends so you may want to search Mountain Rose HerbsAura Cacia, and doTerra.  Likewise, Pinterest is a very useful resource.  Simply search "essential oil blends" and you'll have a slew of options at your fingertips.  

As always, you can follow Caught Red Threaded on PinterestFacebookGoogle+Twitter, and Etsy.

*The combinations of oils posted in the photographs have been found in online searches and/ or on the bottles of essential oils in stock.
**Name have been chosen based on the intention of the combination/effect of essential oils and are in no way intended to replicate others.
***Thanks go out to my daughter for her help in the demonstration photographs.  


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