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Detox Body Scrub

A week ago, a photo of an incredible Detox Body Scrub posted to the Caught Red Threaded Facebook page.  This is available for purchase, however, there's the old saying, "Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day.  Teach a man to fish, he'll eat for a lifetime."  With that in mind, here's your guide to creating this delight at home.  If you don't want the mess at your house, but still want to learn a new craft, contact me at to schedule a private lesson.

The first thing you want to do is gather your supplies.  The ingredient list is intended to make enough for one 8 ounce jar.  

4 oz. coffee grounds
4 oz. epsom salt
10 drops tea tree essential oil
jojoba (or other carrier oil) to cover
jar or other storage container

The brand of coffee is insignificant to this recipe.  If you have a preference, or a blend you prefer, then that's what you should use.  If you aren't a coffee drinker, but keep a few types in the freezer for a rainy day (like yours truly- I found IKEA, Folgers and a third that is unlabeled in a mason jar), then you should use what you have on hand.

While I offer exact measurements in the ingredient list above, please know it can be much simpler than this.  I typically guess based on the size of my storage container, how much I need of each ingredient.  You can mix in a separate bowl, but why dirty a dish when you don't have to.

Did you know Costco carries Epsom Salt?  If you aren't a member, you can pick up a bag or carton from your local drug store.  Some brands offer Epsom Salts that are already scented (Lavender and Tea Tree are the most common).  I would recommend not using these products as they have artificial scents.  You will reap the benefits of the pure essential oils added at home to the Epsom Salt, even if it does take an extra two minutes of your time.

Add Epsom Salt to the coffee grounds.

Add the essential oil and the carrier oil to the salt and coffee.

Carefully mix all the ingredients together.  

When they are thoroughly combined, you are ready to seal and label.

Ball canning jars work well for most projects that can be made in the kitchen, using ingredients commonly found around the house.  To seal, simply place the lid on, and tighten the band.

The label is nearly as important as the ingredients inside.  Avery Labels offers a variety of options to choose from.  A 1.5 inch whole punch is the perfect size for creating labels for a regular mouth canning lid.  Simply print on card stock, and use craft glue to adhere.

These make excellent stocking stuffers, teacher gifts, are a lovely way to thank guests at baby or bridal showers, and much more.

If you have any questions, please contact


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