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Showing posts from 2018

Lala's Legacy: Apple Crunch

I should begin by telling you that when I decided on this recipe, it was under the assumption that there were plenty of apples in the fridge.  I remember buying the apples, and I didn't eat the apples... but I don't live alone.  The apples were all but gone when I went to retrieve them.  So instead of making an Apple Crunch, I'm making a Pear-Apple Crunch (4 pears and 1 apple).  I'm glad the kids are choosing healthy snacks, I don't want you to think I'm complaining.  I had to laugh it off. So other than subbing out a different fruit, this recipe is true to form.  Sort of.  The written recipe on the card below is word for word, the same as the original.  However, I chose to make this one Gluten Free and Vegan so that I could be my own taste tester for once (not really, I've also tried these recipes:  Grapefruit Avocado Salad ,  Thousand Island Dressing ,  Potato Chip Cookies ). If you're following the glutenous version, use t...

Recent Creations

I thought it was time I got back to the basics.  Caught Red Threaded started from this idea that I could make things for my kids.  Pouring love into the things that would surround Jack and Avia in their early days, and for many years to come as I've expanded the list of things I make to meet their needs along the way.  When it all began, I was sewing by hand.  I could count the number of burp clothes made by how long the kids would nap.  If they nap for 2 hours, I can make this many burp clothes, or I can finish this much of a quilt.  I had a sewing machine, but I preferred hand stitches.  It was due in part to having a very basic, not so heavy-duty or user-friendly sewing machine.  The other part was that I must have lost my mind in the midst of sleep deprivation. About five years ago, I bought a new sewing machine.  I'm still so amazed by what it can do!  The time savings alone makes it worth its weight in gold.  My machine isn'...

Lala's Legacy: Sugar Cookies A plate of warm sugar cookies! Baby, it's cold outside!  It's so cold that my car won't start, which means I won't make my favorite pilates class .  This is the kids first day back at school after a derailed holiday break.  We were scheduled to travel the midwest, visiting Grandparents.  Instead, fevers kept us at home.  This was the first winter break that we have not been with family.  We were home relaxing, watching movies, playing board and card games, and I did a lot of sewing (none of which you'll find on Caught Red Threaded ... and I can't even post photos because it's all a baby gift for my future niece/nephew). Back to the car not starting.  It's been a windchill of -30 or colder for the last 10 days.  About 6 days ago I had to keep my car out of the garage until further notice because it's so cold outside the garage door won't open without a great deal of human assistance.  I wish Click and Clac...